Streaming Data with Dataflow: Understanding Watermarks, Custom Triggers, and Data Accumulation

A step-by-step guide to understanding the nuances of streaming data and its challenges. Introduction In today’s digital age, data is continuously generated, processed, and transmitted. This constant flow of data, often referred to as “streaming data”, presents a unique set of challenges. From ensuring timely processing to handling data in real-time, organizations are constantly seeking efficient ways to manage this influx. One of the solutions to these challenges is the concept of “Dataflow Windowing”....

October 2, 2023 · 8 min

Diving into the Depths of Data: Database vs Data Warehouse vs Data Mart

Intricacies of Databases In the digital age, data has become the lifeblood of organizations. At the heart of this data-driven culture lies the concept of the database, the venerable storehouse of information that has powered businesses for decades. A database, in its simplest form, is a structured set of data. So, when you’re dealing with quantities of information, a database serves as your digital filing system. It organizes data in a way that the information contained within can be easily accessed, managed, and updated....

May 28, 2023 · 10 min